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Superlative Adjective dan Irregular Adjective

Superlative Adjective dan Irregular Adjective

Superlative Adjective
Superlative adjective digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga atau lebih kata benda dan menunjukkan yang terbaik atau terburuk. Misalnya seperti the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest. Berikut ini contoh superlative adjective dalam kalimat.
My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.
This is the smallest box I’ve ever seen.
Your dog is the fastest dog in the race.
Mr. Jono is the oldest man in town.
Paul is the tallest boy in the neighborhood.
Pada superlative adjective, ciri-ciri superlative adjective seperti penambahan the dan penambahan akhiran -est pada adjective. Untuk merubah bentuk superlative sangat mudah. Perubahan adjective bergantung pada jumlah suku kata/syllable dari adjective tersebut. Berikut ini penjelasannya.
Untuk adjective dengan 1 suku kata: tambahkan akhiran -est pada adjective dengan diberi determiner the
My sister is the tallest in our family.
Yesterday was the coldest day of the year so far.
Untuk adjective dengan 2 suku kata yang berakhiran -y: ubah akhiran -y ke -iest  dengan diberi determiner the
The richest people are not always the happiest. (happy)
Which do you think is the easiest language to learn? (easy)
She’s the prettiest person I know. (pretty)
Untuk adjective lain dengan 2 suku kata: gunakan the most tanpa perubahan adjective

The most boring thing about English class is doing grammar exercises.
My sister is the most careful person I know.
Untuk adjective dengan 3 suku kata atau lebih: gunakan the most tanpa perubahan adjective

Some people think that Russian is the most difficult language.
Albert Einstein was the most intelligent person in history.
The most enjoyable class is English.
You are the most irritating person I have ever met
Contoh Kalimat Superlative Adjective
  • I can’t find my most comfortable jeans.
  • The runt of the litter is the smallest.
  • Jupiter is the biggest planet in our Solar System.
  • She is the smartest girl in our class.
  • This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
  • I am the shortest person in my family.
  • Jerry is the least worried about the game.
  • That was the best movie ever.
  • Sam is the most handsome boy in the whole school.
  • Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
Contoh Error Examples
Wrong : Sahara is largest desert in the world.
Right : Sahara is the largest desert in the world.

Wrong : Mira is the smartest student than anyone else in the class.

Right : Mira is the smartest student in the class.

Wrong : Mr. John is the busiest worker than anyone else in the office.

Right : Mr. John is the busiest worker in the office.

Contoh soal :
1. This building is very old. Its the oldest building in the town
2. It was a very happy day. It was __________of my life
3. It is a very good film. It is ______________ I’ve ever seen
4. She’s a very popular singer. She’s ________in the country.
5. It was a very bad mistake. It was __________i’ve ever made.
6. It is a very pretty village. It’s ____________i’ve ever seen.
7. It was a very cold day. It was ___________of the year.
8. He is a very boring person. He’s _________i’ve ever met.
1. The oldest building
2. The happiest day
3. The best film
4. The most popular singer
5. The worst mistake
6. The prettiest village
7. The coldest day
8. The most boring person

Irregular Adjective
Dalam kalimat degree of comparison, bentuk-bentuk adjective selalu mengalami perubahan bentuk sesuai dengan jenis perbandingannya, apakah itu comparative degree, atau superlative degree.
Jika comparative degree, adjective akan mengalami perubahan dengan ditamabahkan suffixes –er atau adverb more. Contoh: younger, shorter, more handsome, more interesting, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan untuk superlative degree, adjective harus ditambahan suffixes –est, atau adverb the most. Contoh: youngest, shortest, the most handsome, the most interesting, dan lain-lain.
Namun, tahukah Anda ada sebagian adjective yang tidak terpengaruh aturan tersebut, yang disebut dengan irregular adjective. Adjective tersebut akan berubah tanpa ditambahkan suffixes –er atau pun –est. Berikut ini adalah macam-macam irregular adjective beserta contoh-contohnya.
Irregular Adjectives
The best
Well (Kesehatan)
The best
The worst
The furthest
The farthest
Old (Antara 2 orang)
The oldest
Old (Umum)
The eldest
Adjective old menjadi elder dan the eldest jika tidak diikuti pembandingnya.
I am older than my brother
I am his elder brother.
Risky is 19 years old and Marry is 20 years old while I am 21, so I am the oldest student of all.
I am the eldest student in my school.

Contoh soal :
Complete the sentences by using the appropriate verb form. It can be past form or past participle.
  1. My rabbit…………(sleep) on the grass last night.
  2. The summer course…………..(begin) two weeks ago.
  3. I…………..(take) the gift from my best friends yesterday.
  4. Tata…………..(break) my chair several hours ago.
  5. They…………..(go) to South Korea for honeymoon.
  6. She…………..(see) me but she did not call me.
  7. Tiara…………..(wear) a beautiful dress in her birthday party last week.
  8. I have…………..(read) Andrea Hirata’s book, Laskar Pelangi, last month.
  9. He should have…………..(know) that she was so kind.
  10. Jono…………..(feel) embarrassed because he did not win the game.
  11. We…………..(misunderstand) their intention to invite us in their event.
  12. Have you…………..(write) a letter for your father?
  13. They…………..(hear) a gossip from the society that the fuel price would go down.
  14. He…………..(forget) our anniversary this month.
  15. The children…………..(steal) my heart because of their cuteness.
Jawaban :
  1. Slept
  2. began
  3. took
  4. broke
  5. went
  6. saw
  7. wore
  8. read
  9. known
  10. felt
  11. misunderstood
  12. written
  13. heard
  14. forgot
  15. stol
Reference :

Rahmat, Fauzy Eka dan Yudiashari, Fauzy. Break Down Soal-soal Toefl. Jakarta Selatan,2013.


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